Script for copy pate Spline Component

Hi ,

juste a quick tips.
i wanted to copy the spline component from the old cameraRig_Rail to the new CineCameraRig_Rail , so i made a little script.

usage :
select source cameraRigRail
select target cineCameraRigRail
type in cmd line : py yourPath/

I think I can work on other tool , you select the actor and the script look if an splineComponent exist

import unreal

# Get the Editor Actor Subsystem
actor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)

# Get the list of currently selected level actors
selected_actors = actor_subsystem.get_selected_level_actors()

# Check if at least two actors are selected (assuming you want to copy from one and paste to another)
if len(selected_actors) >= 2:
    # Assuming the first selected actor is the source and the second is the destination
    source_actor = selected_actors[0]
    target_actor = selected_actors[1]

    # Attempt to find a SplineComponent within each selected actor
    source_spline = source_actor.get_component_by_class(unreal.SplineComponent)
    target_spline = target_actor.get_component_by_class(unreal.SplineComponent)
    if source_spline and target_spline:
        # Clear existing points in the target spline

        # Get the number of points in the source spline
        num_points = source_spline.get_number_of_spline_points()

        # Copy each point from the source spline to the target spline
        for point_index in range(num_points):
            # Get location and tangent of the current point in the source spline
            location = source_spline.get_location_at_spline_point(point_index, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.WORLD)
            arrival_tangent = source_spline.get_arrive_tangent_at_spline_point(point_index, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.WORLD)
            departure_tangent = source_spline.get_leave_tangent_at_spline_point(point_index, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.WORLD)

            # Add a new point to the target spline with the copied location and tangent
            target_spline.add_spline_point_at_index(location, point_index, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.WORLD, True)
            target_spline.set_tangents_at_spline_point(point_index,arrival_tangent, departure_tangent, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.WORLD,True)

        print("Spline points copied successfully from source to target.")
        print("A SplineComponent could not be found in one of the selected actors.")
    print("Please select at least two actors with SplineComponents in the Unreal Editor.")
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Hey great one, works like a charm, thanks.