Script error 3532

“resource”: “/C:/Users/evil_/Documents/Fortnite Projects/gun_game_tilted/Plugins/gun_game_tilted/Content/team_elimination_game.verse”,
“owner”: “generated_diagnostic_collection_name#0”,
“code”: “3532”,
“severity”: 8,
“message”: “The data (/ in package gun_game_tilted is ambiguous with this definition:\n data (/ in package gun_game_tilted”,
“startLineNumber”: 50,
“startColumn”: 20,
“endLineNumber”: 50,
“endColumn”: 53

if(WeaponTier := PlayerMap[InPlayer]):

error message above and said error in code

Greetings @N0SCOPE999

I remember running into this error before, assuming it’s the same. I pulled a post from it. Take a peek here and see if this is the same issue. 3532 Error

OnPlayerSpawn(InPlayer : agent) : void =
        Print("A Player just spawned!")
        if(WeaponTier := PlayerMap[InPlayer]):
            GrantWeapon(option{InPlayer}, WeaponTier)
            Print("Spawned Player was granted a gun of tier {WeaponTier}")
        WeaponTier : int = 0

its sayin[{
“message”: "The data WeaponTier is ambiguous with this definition

You can’t call two variables that are available at the same scope the same thing.

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Well done, Thomas! Thank you for the input!

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