So searching for “take screenshot unreal blueprint” and the like is starting to make me crazy, because it’s only returning results for taking screenshots of your Blueprints.
What I’m looking for is a way to take screenshots in the game, and I can’t seem to find anything on this. I’ve discovered SceneCapture2D and RenderTarget, but I’m not seeing any way to pipe that out to an image. Am I out of my mind, or is this really not possible?
To take a screenshot in game you can open the command console (the tilde key ~ `) and type either “HighResShot” or “Shot” (without the quotes) as described in the documentation here.
I would recommend using HighResShot instead to make sure you get a nice high-res image. Also take a look at the options listed in the doc page above to get custom sized images as well.
Another method is to use a key press event in a blueprint to call the ExecuteConsoleCommand function with the above mentioned console commands, this way you only need to press a single key during runtime to take a screenshot.
Hi , did you find a solution for this? The HighResShot Command works great for everything except the UMG UI I didn´t find another way to create a screenshot this easy (except the missing umg layer it works great, especially if you add the desired resolution HighResShot 3840x2160)…