Screenshot Saturday!


work everyone. Just a Artistic Scene within the Lobby Map of our 3D FTPS/RPG MMO Sandbox in development.

Woo! Fancy particle system :smiley:

New around , and figured I’d find ways to participate! It’s not Saturday right now but… 's something from my project

Yo Saturday uploader club :smiley: I have more screenshots. This wasn’t a productive week, but I created 6 modular buildings pieces, some props and a lot of material masters to share in the level as instance materials. (Yeah, those wood boxes placeholders are from Industry Prop Pack 6) More WIPs:


Modular windows, frames… and stuff:


Can’t wait to see your screenshots, buddies :slight_smile:

I’m a newcomer too. Interesting Voodoo doll :slight_smile: Liked it

Woot! I LOVE your screenshots. What are you working on?
Thank you! It’s hard to find conversations that I have tons to add to since most people are more proficient with code, so this seemed like a good place to start hahaha

Thank you! I’m working on a linear ‘arena after arena’ single player third person shooter with four different shooting skills based on playing card suits (hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds). Think Kane & Lynch meets Hotline Miami, but with small levels ^^

We’re in the same boat. Most devs are programmers. I studied Unrealscript when I used UDK and recently migrating to Unreal 4, but I’m not more than a code monkey struggling with Blueprints now. I’m glad to find another artist :slight_smile:
What’s your game about? Seems interesting!

Oof, do you believe I forgot to post more WIP this Saturday? we go. First, I modeled more props like lamps, power boxes, stones, bricks, etc. Also, I changed the whole lighting because… OPTIMIZATION!!! Such a big monster. My game is a third person shooter, so it MUST run in solid 60 FPS. I had to change many things in my level, convert many dynamic lights to statics, etc. THISEpic’s video helped me a lot to figure out what was going wrong with my level performance. are some results (still WIP, of course. Solid 80 FPS. My next step will be Vertex Painting to add an interesting texture variation):


And I started to import and set some enemies (total ugly because I’m using a temporary Mixamo’s rigging on my custom character. This angry Italian’s fingers look like they’re broken XDDD He’s missing his baseball bat weapon too. I’ve tested and have to retopo my enemies due to performance. My mantra: “It has to run 60 FPS full-screen, It has to run 60 FPS full-screen, It has to run 60 FPS full-screen. ooooooooooooooooooooooohm”):


See you next Saturday, dev buddies! Have a great week working on your game!

A horror game? :slight_smile: Nice! (você é brasileiro? pelo nickname…)

Tech Vs Magic progress screenshot:

Knight riding a sabre into battle.

Game Site: ://tvm.exisgames

So pretty! I like how you used opposite colors in .

Okay, fellas! My turn! This was a weak week. I could only work on some props. they are new…

DOORS! (Modular. Now I can change the door frame, door and doorknob materials):


The BRIDGE (This sunova… piece of… thing. I had to model it 3X because I forgot it must follow the right proportions for a smooth step walking. I’m modeling and optimizing the graphics in a project folder separately to the project code and integrate everything later. Crazy, but I work faster this way. For the character movement, I’m using Advanced Locomotion, SO the stairs steps have to follow the proportions or the character floats above the steps):

First try:


Second Try:


Last try, fixing the proportions. Vertex Painting poorly implemented. Still a WIP:


That’s it. See you next Saturday!

Hi everyone! first posting . I have been working on a tower defence / 3rd person shooter called AmmoRun!

Evil robots have taken over and it’s up to you to defend your trailer as you make your way home, on a cross country tour of killer robots, makeshift automated turrets and kinetic weapons. It’s up to you to build turrets and defences to hold them off!

is some pre-alpha gameplay with the new features, including ragdoll physics, new enemies (Machine Spirit) and AA guns!

CC welcome!! playable alpha coming end of September


Cool! I like shooter hybrids!

Made a doom like sprite actor with 12 pre rendered view angles:

Rendered the sprite with Blender 2.8.

Mines just about people playing hide and seek in the woods.
For a code monkey, you’re doing pretty great things. I haven’t looked in to making anything modular, but it’s on my list. for now I’m struggling with strange behavior in my behavior trees

Excellent Work, Amelia.

is a character I am still working on

I have finally started working on Landscapes! Loving it so far!