Screenshot Saturday!


Add a skylight
Change the contrast to a more relaxed setting
Completly delete the dof effect and use AA
SSAO will only have power in the shadows so they need to be at least a little bit brighter

Thanks :slight_smile: I am still not sure if use skylight or not. Wanting dark shadows certain locations so been using PP and also liking dof (could tweak it more). Waiting possible new light system they may be adding into the engine (there was some talk of new ways for interrior lighthing). But checking the contrast and SSAO good. Still heavy WIP.

Some shots from Fragmental away from the default bird’s eye view that the game is played at.

's a link to our Steam page - the game is still in development right now, but at least you can get some more info there.


Woo Screenshot Saturday


First off I finally made a new cursor for the game, I’m overly proud of it. I just need to add some sound effects.
Second is our main menu which I’m still working on


This is … sppaarr… arhemm… VIKINGS

The Viking showing who’s the Boss.

New textures for Chasing Robbers: work in progress :slight_smile:


Unit concept. Of cause, it is only the draft, but it is my first game character and I want to share my happiness :slight_smile:




Dude your game looks amazing! Love the style! :slight_smile:

not saturday, but my tweet from yesterday was voted as IOTD on :slight_smile:

This week in Fragmental we’ve been going a bit mad with gameplay modifiers and their visual representation.

70% of new textures for ‪‎Chasing Robbers‬ done!


Working on 2 thingies at the moment, haven’t been that active on the over but making a change!

The first, an intro screen for a fictional game.

And second a spline generator root that is also animatable and adjustable.

A lot of inspirational stuff , love it!

Missed last Saturday, so it is:

Ideas are welcome for both games, post into this thread: RunGunSwordPunchKick

Quad Oct enemy AI for Project Diode

Finished up the Quad Oct. This guy is essentially the fodder AI for my project.


Story in five scenes.

Wow, looks amazing!

Thx ! I’m just excited to getting out of prototype land and making some final art for it. I’ll be uploading the first level soon so everyone can play it and hopefully give me some feedback on it :slight_smile:

Fragmental Ground Strike: when the character hits the ground in game they shatter into little fragments and take any other player out within range. Very satisfying. :slight_smile:


My first attempt at modelling a vehicle:

WIP 2D physics : Water
