Screenshot on mobile inverted XY, fix?

I am using the command bugscreenshot on Android to capture the screen but it export the texture with flipped X and Y, upside down image. Just wanted to know if there is any way to change something in the editor to fix this flipped xy
It works perfectly in windows editor but on packaged android is flipped
I tried other commands like shot and HighResShot, none of this are working on Android, only bugscreenshot

I also tried with Render Target but I’ve got other issue, it is exporting perfectly but the colors are flipped :roll_eyes:

Render Target issue: (I have tried a lot of settings with the colors in the Render Target, none fixed the color)
Color should be exported like this:

How I solved this:

Use the Execute Console Command for taking a screenshot using the bugscreenshot string. Save the screenshot in a folder then load it on a Render Target to flip it. In the Draw Texture for the Render Target just put -1 in the X and Y in the Coordinate Size then Export Render Target texture.
Done! :fire:

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