Screen percentage always zero

Wondering if someone could help me obtain the current screen percentage. It’s always zero. I have it set to “Based on display resolution” in the Project Settings.

GameSettings->GetResolutionScaleInformationEx() return zero.
GameSettings->ScalabilityQuality.ResolutionQuality is always zero.

Any of the default methods or get quality for screen size just return 100% or numbers based on the desktop resolution (that make no sense).

I’ve looked at several videos/tutorial on how to “fix” the GameUserSettings.ini file, but that didn’t fix anything.

The editor is giving me a value of around 71%. I’d like to know how it computes that. Or a way on how to get the scaled down resolution but every piece of code I’ve seen that calculates that is based off the screen percentage. I just can’t figure out how it calculates it.

Anyone know how to obtain screen percentage?