Screen jitter when rotating character in AnimNotify

Hello, i have encountered a very weird issue in UE5.3: I have a blueprint event that rotates the player character using a timeline.
It works perfectly, but if I call the event using an AnimNotify, the characters rotation is sometimes instantaneous and the screen jitters for a split second, while if I call the same event in any other way (for example, by setting a timer and then calling it after playing the animation, at the same time when the AnimNotify would start), this behaviour doesn’t appear.
I have even replicated the same error in UE 5.4, on fresh project, and it behaves the same way.
I already tried a lot of different ways to implement the smooth rotation I want, and every single time calling the event from the AnimNotify causes the same problem, while calling it from another kind of object (at the same time during the same animation) doesn’t.