I have a scene capture 2d componant within an actor blueprint rendering to a texture which is a bit of a hog on performance when in use.
Turning off the visibility of the the screencapture is the only way I have found of having the capture not impact performance when I do not need it but I cannot for the life of me work out how to break out the visibility node of the screencapture into a blueprint and do this in-game, preferably via a keypress.
Probably quite a basic blueprint procedure but I have been playing for hours and cant work out how to go about doing it. I tried looking at the blueprint example for the camera/security screen example and the reflection blueprints example but I cant work out what is going on or how to apply it to what I need to do.
I am assuming I need to somehow access the visibilty node from somewhere in the component blueprint or is there a better method?.
I Tried applying a visibility toggle to the screencapture component within the actors event timeline but it doesnt seem to have any effect in game.
Any ideas?