Scrambled component hierarchy between a Blueprint and its instances... engine bug or what?

At times the Engine really grates my nerves. This is one of those times. I have this Blueprint, notice how the various box collision components are all parented to “Cage Scaler”:

But as I drag an instance of the Blueprint into the world, the hierarchy is scrambled, with four of the collision boxes attached to Root rather than to Cage Scaler:

Why does this happen?

Is the problem that these 3

are indented, when they shouldn’t be?

The problem is that those four (navmeshcutterRX, collisionFLOOR, navmeshcutterBACK, navmesshercutterLX) are parented to the Scene Component “Cage Scaler” in the Blueprint definition. But when the Blueprint is instantiated, they lose that attachment, and get directly parented to “Root Component” instead. It’s not just a matter of how they are graphically presented; their parenting is actually scrambled!

Have you verified this by some bug occurring etc? Because in your 2nd pic, they are still attached to the cage scaler.

Nope, they are attached to Root. If I collapse Cage Scaler, they stay outside.

Addendum: setting all components to “Stationary” rather than “Static” solves the problem.

