We are planning to develop a game using UE5 which has to be running in desktop via web browser and that game needs to be integrated with LMS using scorm API. Kindly suggest the feasible solution to achive it.
What exactly you want to do with Scorm, it for educational purposes right (for the quick google i did).
There are plugin for web browser and VaRest for api if you want to check out if that you need.
Scorm support is required to integrate the LMS to record the successful completion of the game by the user
Kindly elaborate the plugins for web browser ?
Any suggestion for this topic ?
can you give more detail what is Scorm and LMS ?, we most likely not familiar with these terms.
LMS → Learning Management System
Our corporate LMS is → SAP Successfactors LMS which support SCORM , LRS and XAPI
Using scorm we can package the project(game) as a web folder contains html, css and javascript and the folder can be placed(hosted) in SuccessFactors LMS environment to capture the game result (win/loss) to save it using LRS ( Learning Record Store). This LRS is used to maintain Employee’s training record as we are developing games for Corporate Training purposes.
Hello , i am interested to know more about how you are transmitting data from Unreal into the cloud to the LMS , i need to find a way to do this and have programmers working on this solution , it is for a educational training program as well as part of research with a University
I build SCORMS and on LMS platforms, I also am very interested in this aspect of gamification, as I am director of T&D for my company across several states. Have you made any progress in your discovery? I am considering figuring out how to create and build my own here. Let me know or DM me!
I’m interested for this solution.