SCI FI ships released[/IMG}


This the third scifi ship release over the past few weeks, is in the form of a Mining Transporter, equipped to take workers and materials to the mining colonies.
This third release is taken from the sci fi modular ship pack arteria are working on - The other 2 ships you see on the main sci fi category are taken from this kit. When released shortly it will allow you to construct your own ship designs, using the modular elements. This is how this Mining Ship released today was made.
Any customer who purchases a ship from the scifi category, will also receive a voucher code for 25% discount on the the full ship pack when released.

Pack is provided in unreal format, set up with allshaders, and lighting, with reflections.
Each ship can be purchased for $12 each
Below is the link to the main sci fi ship category so you can check the different ships out.
