This is my first project using UE4 and I haven’t used UDK either. I’m a 3d artist looking to get into environment art so at the moment I’m focusing on the visuals and learning everything as I go. So far I have to say I’m blown away by what can be produced in UE4.
Understand the modular environment modeling workflow.
Start to learn UE4.
Find a flexible tile-able texture workflow.
Create a flexible shader.
Create a flexible hard surface texture set.
For now my plan is to look into adding FPS controls and recording a walk through to show what I have in motion.
Next will be to add some functional details like pressure gauges and control panels.
Learn how to use vertex painting to make material variations.
Learn about decals to produce more variation.
Once I’m happy with the corridor modular kit I’ll move onto some kits to create connecting computer rooms, larger engine areas and a bridge.
Any and all feedback is welcome.