Sci-Fi Lamp Collection

Marketplace: Sci-Fi Lamp Collection


The Sci-Fi Lamp Collection package contains 17 unique lamps in different colors. A few lamps are modular so you can use individual parts of this lamps. These lamps are perfect for desktops, consoles and high end mobile devices.


  • 17 unique lamps
  • 107 Unique Meshes
  • Lamps in different colors
  • Most models available in high and low poly
  • Continuous updates

Vertex Count: 260 - 8022
Texture Resolutions: 512x512 to 4096x4096

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Hello everyone.

Update 1.1 of the asset is live in the UE Marketplace.
The update includes two new lamps as a higher and lower poly version.

Hello everyone.

Update 1.2 of the asset is live in the UE Marketplace.
The update includes a new construction lamp as a higher and lower poly version.

Hello everyone update 1.3 is live in the marketplace.
The asset now supports UE 4.25 - 4.27.
I have added blueprints for all lamps to simply pull the lamps into your scene.

Update 1.4 is live in the UE Marketplace.
This update includes a new lamp.

Update 1.5 is live in the UE Marketplace.
This update includes a new lamp.

Update 1.6 is live in the UE Marketplace.
This update includes two new lamp.

Update 2.0 is live in the UE Marketplace.
This update includes a new lamp.

Update 2.1 is live in the UE Marketplace.
This update includes a new lamp.