If you drag a Scene Capture 2D component into a level, you get a bunch of Show Flags to modify under the Scene Capture category. If you add a SceneCapture2D component to a blueprint, the advanced options that include Show Flags disappear.
Additionally there doesn’t seem to be any way to access these through the blueprint interface.
There was another user who reported this issue, but it was confirmed by the developers as not a bug, but an issue that would not be fixed because it is an intended implementation. The reason provided is that “blueprint components are considered dynamic components. As such, just with any other type of component, the properties only appear in the BP Components view. You can’t modify them on the instance.”
Unless the developers decide to change this, which would be a core change within the engine. The Show Flags will remain unavailable for SceneCapture2D components within Blueprints.
Thanks for the response. Maybe you can pass on a message to Joe Conley to perhaps consider making FEngineShowFlags in SceneCaptureComponent accessible directly
As mentioned this has been marked as won’t fix due to it being a core engine change. I just tested this in 4.9 preview 2 however, and was able to get and set the ShowFlags as an array within a SceneCapture 2d Component Blueprint.
@AndrewHurley - while you can theoretically get and set the ShowFlags as an array within a SceneCapture2DComponent in Blueprint, in fact it doesn’t work for most showflags. You can’t disable specular or SSR on a scene capture component, for instance - either in the blueprint components view or in the eventgraph.
-Make an actor with a SceneCaptureComponent and set a valid Texture Target
-Attempt to set show flags as an array on the component as you described above: https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1558/25268841613_a557656e51_o.png
-Play, look at the texture target, observe that it didn’t work and there’s still specular (or SSR, or probably whatever else you put in there).
“blueprint components are considered
dynamic components. As such, just with
any other type of component, the
properties only appear in the BP
Components view. You can’t modify them
on the instance.”
…it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Most properties on most blueprint components can be modified on the instance/changed from Blueprint at runtime.
Besides, for many showflags, even extending SceneCaptureComponent and disabling them in the class properties doesn’t work; the flags remain on.
Andrew, that doesn’t make any real sense to me. I’m reasonably sure you can drop a scene capture actor into the world and set show flags and it’ll capture what’s set but you can’t have an actor with a component that can have specifically set flags on it. Are you sure your conversation with the developer was correct?
I am positive the conversation was correct, as the comments are posted on an a bug pertaining to this exact issue. With that said, I am looking at the bug now as it has been re-opened due to increased interest (UE-6810).
I can see the benefits of having these properties exposed and modifiable through blueprints, but this option is up to the developers who work with this specific actor. I have made sure to add a link of this post in the report. The rest is going to be up to them to determine the next course of action.
We appreciate you taking the time to report this issue and let me know if you have further questions.
I’m confused. As of 4.15.2 if you create a scene capture 2D actor, the show flags are available. If you then add a child component to your character blueprint for example, the show flags are not accessible in the character blueprint. Does this mean they stop functioning? Cause that’s my problem, the scene capture is ignoring the flags I’ve set. I was following a tutorial on YT where this is clearly working for the author of the tutorial which is why I’m really confused.
The tutorial in question is : *NOT WORKING* UE4 - "Texture Based" Mini-Map Tutorial // Adding the Mini-Map - YouTube
Apparently the show flags used to work in another blueprint but have been removed in later engine versions?
As you described and as described within the bug report, the ShowFlags are not accessible when SceneCapture2D is added as a component within blueprints. I re-opened the ticket as it was closed due to auto-expiration so it was never actually fixed.
I have re-opened the ticket to have it addressed. Ultimately it is going to come down to the necessity of the functionality within blueprints, and the dangers of having these show flags exposed as a component (probably minimal if I were to guess).