SceneCapture2D not working on mobile

Hey, my SceneCapture2D works fine on PC but it is coming up black on my mobile Android Phones. Sometimes, if I change the size of the Canvas or the Texture I am able to get very glitchy random pattern/colored squares (instead of only black), but never do I get anything even closely resembling the correct image.

Is there any easy solution to this? I am willing to change engine code if anyone has super clear instructions.

Can you show your code/blueprints/screenshots?


Is Mobile HDR enabled or disabled in your project settings?
What is your SceneCapture’s Capture Source set to?
Finally what Android device(s) are you seeing this on?

That can help us narrow down what is going wrong.


Mobile HDR is off. I’ve tried SceneCapture Capture Source with a Dynamic Material instanced from a Surface Material with a blank texture and changing the texture value of the Dynamic Material. I have also tried doing it by instancing a Canvas Render 2D Target and setting the Scene Capture’s Canvas Render Target to that instance.

Both of those methods work on PC but don’t seem to work on Android.

Currently I am testing on an S7. The game is a VR game for Samsung Gear VR which is only for specific devices. Like 2 months ago I had tested the same exact code on an S6 and it was working, but I do not currently have the S6 with me to test it again. I have not changed any of the code in the past 2 months though, aside from upgrading from 4.12 to 4.14.

Back in 4.12, this same error would happen on a Samsung Note 5, I wrote another ticket and I was told it was a rendering issue that was fixed in 4.13, after upgrading and seeing it still not working on the S7 I am curious if it has something to do with newer phones, since the S6 was working and it was the oldest of the phones.

I never got a response to this. Replying to get communication back on.


Does this occur when not in GearVR mode?

I’m not the original requester, but yes, it occurs on my S6 even when not rendering in GearVR mode. SceneCapture2D works fine on PC, but on Android I end up with a black screen or garbage.

I can repro on GearVR too, i’ll look into it. Thanks.

Yes, this occurs even when I am not in GearVR mode. Anything on the PC looks perfect (even when in “device test” mode), anything on the actual device is either fully black or just complete nonsense.

I’ve entered ticket UE-42191 to track this.

I too am having this problem. Is there anyway to vote on this issue or anything?

Hi, we’re actively working on a fix for this now. I’ve just upped the priority and requested that the ticket UE-42191 be made public. When it is you can follow the progress there.


Then I guess it’s fixed. Going to compile the source and see if it works.

Yea, I see fixed on the ticket. Will this fix roll out on 4.16 or earlier?

I have the same problem, RenderTarget2D doesn’t output the texture on GearVR Android UE4.18 today is 15-Jan-2018, and this bug still exists and I have to work around. Anyone knows either:

  1. How to override FOV on GearVR, regular way of setting FOV for the Camera doesn’t do it because of VR.
  2. How to do RenderTarget2D work, I was going to use it as a workaround of 1) but it has another bug. Black-Screen and nothing else.

Please help. It’s been a year of this thread, and maybe someone fixed it. Some bugs don’t get fixes for years. I hope there is some workaround.

Did this ever get fixed? It’s still black on my engine. I tried following what the ticket says to do and it’s utterly useless. This sucks

Has been still another year. I’m trying to develop on the recently revealed Quest and it is not working :frowning:


forward render, mobile hdr

when i use scene capture 2D the half of screen glitch blacked


  • UE4.27.2
  • Android SDK 25
  • Unlit
  • Forward Shading
  • HDR Off
  • Multi-View Off
  • Disable Game and PostProcess in SceneCapture2D Hidden Show Flags
  • SceneColor (HDR) in RGB, inv Opacity Alpha in SceneCapture2D

where is this located?