[Scans Factory] - Rome - Italian Town

This is the support page for our product: Rome - Italian Town

Here you will find documentation with the most known ways to solve problems:

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If you can’t find a solution for your problem in the above, or you have feedback about our work - please let us know! We will be happy to help! :slight_smile:
Scans Factory Team

Hi. I have purchased this Environment recently and i simply cannot get it to work. FIrstly it doesn’t show in my UE library, i can find it only in the FAB content(in Unreal-window-get content-fab); so ok i am now on the FAB page with Rome-Italian Town and on the right there are the options to Add to project or view in library. If i click on Add to library nothing happens. I am so frustated right now please help me figure out this situation.

Hi! Sorry you’re having this issue. Fab gets updates every week, so it should be more stable soon. We haven’t heard of this exact problem from others, so please check that both your launcher and Fab plugin are up to date.

If it’s still not working, you can email us at support@scansfactory.com or join our Discord channel, where 800+ users might be able to help too! :blush:

have the same problem

@GDA87 Can you tell us how it ended?