In the showcase section, the first asset right on the marketplace front page is double-pricing during sale, just like all other assets from this scammy seller.
Everyone can find him and check his assets price history via orbital-marketplace com.
(I can’t post the link to the seller due to forum rules.)

We need to make Epic aware that such shady sellers are being awarded with Showcase and put on the front page, discrediting our marketplace!

Some other sellers also engage in this fraudulent practice, as shown in my screenshots below.

I urge you to check your asset prices before purchasing, and to avoid buying from scammy sellers who think they are special and have the right to be above the marketplace rules.

If you notice such a seller, please make other users aware of it, e.g., copy-paste this message into the assets Q/A section:


This seller is a malicious violator of Epic’s marketplace terms. He manipulates the prices of his assets in a fraudulent way in order to deceive buyers into believing that his product is the “perfect deal”.

This clearly breaks Epic’s terms:

3.6.2.f The listed product price shown during a sale should not differ significantly from the price at which the product is generally sold. The full price should not be artificially inflated in order to make a better savings claim.

Such awful behaviour shows gross disrespect towards customers, and is a major disadvantage for other marketplace sellers, who are genuine with their clients.

I urge everyone, for whom the Unreal marketplace is a serious platform, and for whom the integrity of the Unreal community is important, to contact Epic support in such cases so that they implement fair measures.

Such sellers are unwelcome at the Unreal marketplace! Such behavior should be cut short!

Post edited on June 23. : Re-uploaded screenshots

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Thanks for letting us know, but I don’t know which asset you’re referring to, can’t find it on the showcase section or on the front page…

The asset you are referring to is not currently showcased.

Nonetheless, I had unfortunately already bought it a long time ago during a sale before realizing that the seller is changing the price like this.

Here’s another example from a different seller, I had already bought multiple products from them and had one wishlisted, and just when I was about to buy it I noticed that the sale price is almost the same as the base price:

Immediately removed from the wishlist, I will never buy anything from them again.

It should not be possible to change product prices during sales.

This is a scummy practice and a shame. Because its ruins the impression of the seller and ALL of their offerings. It also encourages “revenge” pirating.

I’ve seen some publishers overprice their offering upfront, then discount them to a realistic/reasonable price for a sale. I get why they do this, but It’s still scummy and bad mojo.

Seller states he is allowed to manipulate prices.

Scammy seller replied to me in an angry tone, something in the vein of “those are my assets, I can change the price however and whenever I want.”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t screenshot it because the seller edited his reply too quickly. Surely, Epic has logs of his original reply, but nonetheless, I screenshotted his edited, polite “professional” reply:

  • “…we know what we are doing.”
  • “There has been no violation of any of Epic Games’ marketplace rules…”

Does Epic think that the marketplace can continue to be an honest platform if such sellers are allowed to write their own rules?


Correction: The asset the OP is referring to is currently in the showcase section.
The one I was referring to is the weapon’s one, which is from a different seller.

In this 5 day old post alone, we were able to confirm that 3 different sellers are violating Epic’s marketplace terms, can you imagine what would happen if Epic automated the detection process?

Based on my previous experiences, which go back to years ago, I would say absolutely nothing will happen. These sellers will continue manipulating prices, copying other people’s work, and then so easily hide products they copied from other people when they get caught, and eventually Epic will thank them for violating Epic’s terms by either showcasing their products, or by selecting them to be “Free of the month”.

I have directly emailed marketplace support about such violations years ago, and I always received a “After reviewing, we will not be removing the content from the UE Marketplace at this time.”

I know of at least a dozen currently “Not for sale” or “RECORD DELETED” products that were hidden or removed when people discovered they were stolen, yet the same sellers are still active and publishing on the marketplace right now as if nothing happened. Two of these products were selected for the “Free of the month” program, so they were displayed for a full month each.

I have not heard of a single incident where a seller who violated Epic’s terms got banned from publishing on the marketplace. I have just checked every seller I know of who had a history of stealing other people’s work and was caught, some of whom were stealing directly from Adobe - and all of them are still on the UE Marketplace, active and selling, while one of them was banned from the Unity asset store when they were discovered. Epic removed a single product I know of only after being contacted by Adobe’s legal team directly. In short, even if the copyright infringement was obvious, if you’re not the copyright holder your report will most likely be ignored.
So yes, of course such sellers can offer great deals to unaware customers when they haven’t done any actual work, and when there are absolutely no repercussions to their actions, nor any real moderation whatsoever!

This, along with the fact that Epic allowed thousands of AI generated assets to flood the marketplace, then invited the sellers of these assets to participate in all previous official sales overshadowing real game development assets, also the fact that there are major inconsistences and contradictions between marketplace staff when reviewing products ( a literal blob that was created in 5 minutes using Blender’s sculpting tools then auto rigged using a plugin is accepted and is ok although clearly made by a beginner who started weeks, not even months ago…yet a full blueprint system that was created by a seller who had previously posted here about this gets rejected because they used Unreal’s example vehicle in their project, well I have bought multiple assets from multiple sellers who used the exact same vehicle and their products were accepted and are still live!)
and of course, the lack of basic filtering features requested by buyers years ago yet were never even placed in the roadmap, all of these things only tell me that Epic themselves don’t take their marketplace nor the people building their business around it seriously.

I had to wait 6 long years to be able to sell on the UE marketplace (I had the wrong nationality, and although I was the director of a media company in the Netherlands back then and had a legal work permit, selecting my place of birth when applying to become a marketplace seller immediately terminated the application; I had to legally change my nationality to become a seller), so it feels absolutely terrible that the UE Marketplace is degrading this quickly just when I was able to start publishing on it, it also feels terrible that many sellers and buyers care about the Marketplace’s user experience, quality control and rules more than the employees who are getting paid to do this.

I find this extremely frustrating because every single point I mentioned has already been mentioned by many people years ago, yet were completely ignored.

Finally, I would like to compare an asset that has been showcased recently with a simple demo component that I included with my marketplace asset:

First of all, I have no problem with this seller, my only concern is that it is a very, very basic asset, I hope they are making any profit.

My question and my problem is, what conditions did this showcased asset meet so that it was staff picked?

I’m a straight-forward person, and when I read this in your terms:

2.8.b Content should not consist primarily of easily reproduced assets

I simply included easily reproduced assets as demo and extra components in my products hoping someone would find them useful, and planned to release them for free later.

What I didn’t expect is that one of the assets I considered to be easily reproduced that it might not be even accepted as a product of its own to be copied by someone else, and then the copied asset to end up in the showcase section! Absolutely surreal! What does this say about the quality of these picks? or the current standards/expertise of the people picking these products? Most importantly, what message does this give to dedicated, serious sellers?

To prove my point, here’s a simple step by step guide on how to re-create “the most powerful fixed camera system in the Marketplace”:

a) UI_ViewButton

1- Create a new User Widget, call it UI_ViewButton and open it.
2- From the UMG Palette, drag and drop a Button widget to the canvas.
3- From the UMG Palette, drag and drop a Text widget inside the Button widget, make sure to set “IsVariable” to True.
4- At the PreConstruct event of the UI_ViewButton, get a reference to the TextBlock widget, then call its SetText event.
5- Right click on the text variable input of the SetText event, and select Promote to variable, the variable is called InText by default.
6- Make sure the new InText variable is selected, then set InstanceEditable and ExposeOnSpawn to true.
7- Select the Button widget, scroll down to the bottom of its Details panel, then click the “OnClicked” event.
8- Create a new event dispatcher, call it OnViewSelected and add a new variable input to it of the type Integer and call it “Index
9- Call this event dispatcher on the button’s OnClicked event.
10- Connect to result of GetParent > Get All Children, then from the array call the Find function and set self as input. Connect the output integer value of the Find function as an input of the OnViewSelected event dispatcher.

b) Main views widget:

1- Create a new User Widget, call it UI_Views and open it.
2- From the UMG Palette, drag and drop a VerticalBox widget to the canvas.
3- Make sure the VerticalBox is selected, then from it’s Details panel set “IsVariable” to True.
4- On the Construct event, call the GetAllActorsOfClass function and set the class to CineCameraActor
5- Drag the output array of the GetAllActorsOfClass function and promote it to a variable, call it Views.
6- From the Views array, call the ForEachLoop instance, at the Loop Body, create the UI_View widget, then add it as a child of the Vertical box widget.
7- Drag the Array Element, get it’s Tags, then get a copy, connect the result to the exposed InText we created above, this will set the name of the view based on the actor’s first tag.
8- Drag the return value of the Create Widget function, and call "Assign On View Selected", this will create a new event.
9- At the newly created event, get a reference to the player controller, then call Set View Target with Blend.
10- Get the Views array, then call Get(a copy), connect the Integer input of the Get(a copy) to the Index variable of the event, connect the output of the Get(a copy) node to the New View Target variable.

11- Done! Now simply create the UI_Views widget and add it to the viewport, and of course drag and drop a couple of CineCameras with tags as their title to the world.

Many cosmetic features can be added, for example an empty Actor can be created, then a billboard inside it with a custom camera icon, and a CineCamera with the variables needed exposed to be edited when spawned in the world. But the CineCameraActor Class at step b.4 must be replaced with the class of your custom Actor.

How is this Showcase material? or a marketplace product material for that matter?




I totally agree. I think one of the main problems is that the people checking the assets have no idea what they’re doing :slight_smile:

What would solve this, would be something a bit like Orbit ( but better ), which just takes a feed from the Epic market, and DOES provide decent filters and sorting options, AND is configured by people who know what they’re doing to cut out the garbage and scammers.

One good filter, for instance, would be the ability to remove vendors who have a lot of products, but have never had star ratings.

Then we would only need to come back here to make the actual purchase…


@Hiraeth Very true depiction.

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@ClockworkOcean I could actually build this in my spare time, but I know for a fact that I wouldn’t have time to manage it, at least not in the near future. Of course it could be managed by Community Heroes, Forum Veterans and Q&A Sages as the reputation has already been established!

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@PeaceSells Thank you! I absolutely love your work by the way! We emailed around 4-5 years ago as I was working on a prototype using your FPS gun assembly system. I think it’s the best commented Blueprints system I ever bought :smiley:

@navosy I think it’s worth noting that the seller is trying to cover up your question with “Discord Verification” questions that ‘other people’ are posting. The only issue is that none of the people asking for Discord verifications actually own the product in question, yet the author is confirming the verification! :roll_eyes:

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Please report / sent support request for abusing stuff like that. Posting on forums is good as it informs users, but there is very little chance that Epic staff will see it, and even smaller chance that they will act on it if they happen to see it.


Thank you. The purpose of this post is to inform the community. As I wrote in the OP: “… is important, to contact Epic support …” .

However, after a week after reporting, the seller is still in the Showcase section, as if nothing happened.

Moreover, he is flooding his QA sections with bots to hide messages warning the community about price manipulation.

This scammy seller calls us, who are against price manipulations, “pirates” who are stealing his assets.

Ironically, he is doing Discord Verification for users who don’t even own his assets. Is he verifying pirates? :eyes:


The whole point of the Review / Question section is so that users can get information about the product. But if the user can only see Discord verification posts, what’s the point of having a Review / Question section?