Scaling works wrong

It is pretty obvious:

Coming from a 3d modeling background it is hard to understand how that slipped in there and probably is from the beginning?

Hi Davision,

This is not a bug, but rather expected behavior. The engine is not meant to be used like modeling software. When you scale an asset asymmetrically, then try to scale the asset you have modified, the engine scales the asset from it’s original parameters, not the parameters of the newly deformed asset. This is for a number of reasons that deal with the asset’s, physics, collisions, etc.

However, it is still possible to achieve the effect you want by manually entering the scale values in the details panel, which it looks like you were able to do in the picture of the table with the border around it.


Well, when you have scaling in a editor with a gizmo you expect it to do it this way. Calculating the math for it then typing it in the 3 slots manually shouldn’t be what you want the artists/level designers to do.

Is there no chance the gizmo editing gets changed that way? Everything else could just stay that way it is. So just the parameters get changed the way you expect them to when you drag on the gizmo.

Coming from a 3D modeling background myself, I can see your point of view and have generated the following feature request [UE-6550]. If this is implemented in a future release of the engine, an update will be added to this post.

Thanks for your feedback.

Nice. I was so close to rallying all the artists to sign a partition! Well, if it doesn’t make it I’m the first to stand in front of your headquarters holding a appropriate distorted sign. In meantime I shall hope and pray, to our god Tim Sweeney. :wink:

Sign a partition


Yea, I would have went with Unterschriftenaktion. :slight_smile:

I’ve just recently discovered this scale option that does what you want:

That works! Just odd that that setting is located there and that you then have to have snapping enabled for it to work. I’m pretty sure there could be a better place for it and it should be on default set to on.