Scaling issues using control points

I am trying to scale and orient data using control points (ground control with XYZ coordinates)

However it isn’t affecting my registration. The points are in, I can see the orange lines denoting them, but the model hasn’t changed.

I’ve attached an image for the project with an example of the control point.

Any advice would be great to hear.


have you followed the tutorial Scaling a Scene in the Help (F1) section of the program?

Hi Scott Lee
for proper orientation it would be enough with say 4-5 GCPs. the GPS information in camera “interfere” with GCP coordinates, as they are with HIGHER precision than ordinary GPS in UAV sensors.

Select all cameras and change the CAMERA PRIORS from POSITION to UNKNOWN ( this will disable GPS information in images, they seem to be of very low precision anyway ) and only GCP measurements will be used.

Screenshot 2016-10-02 00.31.18.png