I have been trying to setup scale correctly for importing meshes from 3ds max 2016 into UE4. I have entered in all the settings from tutorials online but I can’t get the scale of this Test treasure chest mesh right into ue4. I see that the scale factor is a ridiculous amount in 3ds max but I don’t know how to change that. It shows the scale factor amount differently from what I have entered.I even imported the character mesh from ue4 into 3ds max so I could have a reference. But when I import it, it turns out like the second image. Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much
I have changed my units, Check the pictures I have attached
You need to change unit system setup sec 23 of the video i linked
l Still was off after changing it to inches but I changed the import uniform scale to 2 during the import dialog and it imported the correct size. will this effect textures/materials/bones?
1st you need to change from inc to cm in second menu.
For uniform scale x2 is not make a problem coz UV got the same dimensions. About bones can be a problem but if you mantain the same scale settings on import is not couse any isses
It was set to cm already in the second menu
If in second menu is setted 1 unit 1 cm is must be a bug try to restart your 3ds max