Hi all,
Am having trouble re-scaling a drone scan…
I have two sets of target markers placed on opposite sides of a bridge, set at precisely 1m centres.
My understanding of the Scaling a Scene using the Distance Constraint tool is that I should be able to set/lock the scale interactively manually using this site measured distance by placing manual control points on these markers, drawing the scale rule between them, and assigning “Distance 1m” in the dialogue box, all prior to running Alignment - and, crucially, that this should override any camera priors and fix the ‘actual distance’ between these markers to the desired 1m distance?
It’s not working like this :shock: and I need some help if anyone knows the solution…
… the Constraint tool simply doesn’t seem to kick in and the model has error of ~25cm linear distance…
Am I missing something simple here for setting the scale manually?
It doesnt work at either Alignment or Reconstruction stage - I was expecting it to rescale to ensure the “Actual Distance” between the markers is set at 1m …
Any assistance really appreciated - I’ve tried every combination of set scale- update - align etc I can think of & driving me potty!
Got It!
Just had an afterthought & set camera priors to False.
Evidently the tool doesn’t auto-override camera/GPS priors which is a bit frustrating!
Hi Erika Luukas
Than you for reporting, we will take a look in this behavior. But in principle if you have GPS then the scene should be better scaled as just form CPs. We will do some internal testing on this…
Thank you.
It’s the first time I’ve had to use the distance constraint tool. It’s also the first issue I’ve had with GPS camera positions from drone data…I can only presume it has something to do with the proximity of the drone to the structure and the mostly vertical flight pattern - and therefore perhaps the lack of any real horizontal movement affecting the GPS triangulation?
Ideally, I would like the camera priors to be retained, evidently for georeferencing, and the distance constraint to tighten it all up a bit. In this instance georeferencing is not a major issue so long as the model is accurately scaled.
The distance constraint has provided accuracy to 5mm from both sets of control points…
I now have another issue - and have put up a post this afternoon under another topic - it’s a major issue with what looks like an update to Sketchfab upload process…
Would appreciate it if you could take a look…
can I have your system info like in my signature?
and what version of RC are you using?
Hi Lubenko,
System Info:
Windows 10 Pro
Dell XPS i7-4790S CPU 3.20GHz
Thank you.
How about the RC version you are using? Is it Promo
Yes, can confirm latest version
Hi Lubenko,
Would you kindly have a look at my other post re Sketchfab?
I’m still having major issues, now even with simplify tool…there are lots of screen grabs showing the console reports …
I think that perhaps the issues are connected?
Erika Luukas wrote:
Hi Lubenko,
Would you kindly have a look at my other post re Sketchfab?
I’m still having major issues, now even with simplify tool…there are lots of screen grabs showing the console reports …
I think that perhaps the issues are connected?
Hello again,
I can see my colleague is already dealing with your issues: Sketchfab Upload Change? Update?
Hi, yes, the messages crossed over.