Scaling Box reflection Capture is painfully slow

This has been an issue since the box reflection capture has been around, but when scaling it with the scale tool it is so slow, like it a missed place decimal in the code when it comes to the scale. Compared to scaling the sphere reflection it is much quicker.

Would be nice to get this fixed, not sure if this has been reported already, I couldn’t find anything when I did a quick google.

This is because the Box reflection capture default Scale is 1 cm (or 1 UU), Wile most other object default scale is 1 Meter. or (100 uu). This is why the scaling feels slow. It is scaling at the same rate. It is just a lot smaller at scale 1.

I do think this is a bit strange since other volumes are scaled to 1Meter.

Thanks, for the explanation. That is exactly what it is! I feel like this could be a quick fix just slide that decimal over.

If some people want to fix it, you need to edit the engine source :

void ABoxReflectionCapture::EditorApplyScale(const FVector& DeltaScale, const FVector* PivotLocation, bool bAltDown, bool bShiftDown, bool bCtrlDown)
	UBoxReflectionCaptureComponent* BoxComponent = Cast<UBoxReflectionCaptureComponent>(GetCaptureComponent());
	const FVector ModifiedScale = DeltaScale * ( AActor::bUsePercentageBasedScaling ? 5000.0f : 50.0f );
	FVector NewScale = BoxComponent->GetRelativeScale3D() + ModifiedScale;

in reflectioncapturecomponent.cpp, of course, add the signature to the .h.