I’ve been able to save a lot of space (and time when I reimport GFx movie files) by sharing resources. I’m wondering if anyone has been able to use SetExternalTexture to swap a texture at runtime, but use it on a shared resource. For example:
I have a shopkeeper menu that has the texture “Face.” I set that texture based on the pawn running the shop:
I also have a character sheet menu that has the texture “Face.” I set that texture based on the character whose stats you’re checking:
Neither menu will ever be open while the other is open. I would like to store both Face textures in a separate resource .swf and still swap it when needed.
The problem with that is that in order to SetExternalTexture, the GFx movie has to export the texture for runtime sharing. But in order to have the texture stored in another movie, it has to be imported. And as far as I can tell, you cannot import and export a resource at the same time.
[Resource sharing](UDK | ScaleformImport sharing)
[SetExternalTexture](UDK | ScaleformTechnicalGuide Images at Runtime)