Scale scene from focus distance?

I guess maybe CR allready does this, but just to be sure.

  • From photo exif data, the focal distance can be read
    -the focal distance from the camera in the reconstructed scene (depth area with sharpest image and most tie-points found) can be found
  • the ratio of the previous two variables could be used to scale the scene approximately to real-world sizes, without having to input measures manually?

Currently, my scenes seem to have rather random scale by default.

Hi vilem.duha
NO :smiley:
The easiest way to set the PROPER scale is to set 2 CPs ( control points placed in at least 2 images ) and then use CONSTRAINT and set the distance between them, after that REalign or just update the ALIGNMENT, but REalign is prefered…

well the difference here is manual vs fully automatic… Of course this wouldn’t be precise, but I meant it for cases where precision isn’t needed that much. Was just brainstorming :wink: