Is it possible to scale from a point other than the center of the object using the scale tool in the editor? Say I want to scale downward such that the top of my object doesn’t move, is that possible? Just looking for an easy way to keep objects in place when I scale them.
I’m pretty sure it scales from the pivot point, so if you change that, that is where it will scale from. For example, if you put the pivot on the bottom of the box, it will scale from the bottom.
Ya I tried that but even when I set the pivot to some place totally random it still scales from the center evenly.
Generally speaking UE doesn’t detect pivots, they align meshes with their 0,0,0 coords. So if you realign your object in the original fbx it should be scalable from that point (similarly to how one might align a pivot to the bottom of a wall so it always stays flush with the ground). Keep in mind though this will change the positioning of any objects you’ve already placed.
Another option would be to attach your object to another (dummy) object positioned where you need it. This will allow transforms relative to the parented objects position. So Object A needs a rescale. Place Object B for pivot reference. Attach A to B in the scene outliner. Rescale relative to B until satisfied, remove B. Object A should now be transformed correctly. This is also the easiest way to rescale or transform multiple grouped objects, for example when you’ve built a structure using modular assets.