Scale dose not look right in VR

I’m using Unreal Engine 5.1 for Arch Viz in VR. I’m using Meta Quest 3 headset. All my projects are running on my laptop, eatheir in the editor or Windows package. The problem I’m facing is that the scale and dimentions of interiors does not look right, it looks a bit smaller. It’s like the vision is zoomed in, as if you increase the Focal Length of a Cine Camera. For example, a room with dimentions of 4 * 5 meters looks like 3 * 4 (Approccimaite numbers) although the scale is correct. I’m exporting from 3ds max, and I have checked all the exported meshes in 3ds max and in the engine and everything is correct for all mesh.

In the VRPawn, in the camera settings, if I changed the Field of View(See Image below), no thing happen. Changing the World to Meters eatheir upscale or downscale everything, which dose not give a relestic result.
Any idea why is this happening?

*Sorry for bad english

Try importing the third person character from the engine example files. It is roughly around 175-180 cm. See if it for instance fits in your doorways correctly.

There is no problem with the scale of the meshes. The problem is that when you look at them, they look smaller.
This is a pole with height of 180cm.

Maybe try adjusting the VR pawn’s camera field of view angle (FOV). The larger the FOV the more zoomed out it will seem. Small fov’s can also cause motion sickness.

I tried changing it but no thing happend. Regardless of the value I’m using, it makes no difference in the headset.

Perhaps try adjusting the lens distance

Other FOV options in unreal are unfortunately rather hacky when it comes to VR. Standard FOV controls don’t seem to work :confused:

Ok, thanks