Scalable world map (how to make one in 2d)

Hi, I wanted to try and create a economic management game, the only problem I run into is that I don’t know how to set up a decent looking map in 2d. Player needs to be able to zoom in quite a bit, but It would require a VERY high resolution of the map. One Idea I had was breaking map into multiple high res. pieces and putting it all together but I don’t really know how to do it and I can’t draw it myself.

I thought maybe there is a way of implementing something like google maps or something. The player does not have to interact with the map itself, I will put objects on the world map to interact with, but for it to work I need a high quality map so you could zoom in to a country level and not get blasted by the low resolution.

Any ideas? :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for any help

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