Scalability settings resetting in editor

Hi there!

I can’t change my scalability settings using the editor. When I change them (e.g. the post-processing), they snap back to the value before when I close the scalability settings window by clicking outside:


When I change the post-processing quality using the console command

sg.PostProcessQuality 3

the scalability setting for post-processing changes to “epic”, but doesn’t saves for the engine restart. Another issue is, that the sub-settings for post-processing (e.g. anti-aliasing or ambient occlusion) doesn’t change while changing the post-processing settings.

I don’t have any custom scalability settings in the project. I guess it has to do with the console settings (maybe they have higher prio?) so is there a way to reset the console settings?

Thanks already for your help!

I have the same problem. Did you found a solution?

I was having this issue recently but I found a solution for it. The solution is to delete / rename the “Saved” folder in the UE5 project, this folder contains saved Graphic settings in addition to your own game’s save information.

If your game / project contains save data that is unique, this is where it is stored for your project. So be careful with it.

Once I did that I was able to overwrite the Editor scalability settings correctly. Before that it kept resetting to some medium settings.

I’m guessing this issue will happen again when any type of Graphic Option blueprints like a main menu forcibly save those settings to the disk.

You’ll just need to remember to reset or clear your game save in the Saved folder.

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