I cannot see any difference in quality when changing the scalability settings of the UGameUserSettings object’s ScalabilityQualityLevel variable. Also the application crashes when I tried to use the SetFromSingleQualityLevel function. Turns out that changing the AntiAliasingQuality setting to anything less than 2 caused the crash. Are there any solutions or alternatives? I looked into using the MobileContentScaleFactor setting as HTML5 uses the same rendering pipeline as mobile, but it didn’t have any effect either.
This all works as expected in a windows executable.
Here’s the code I’m using:
void UGraphicsSettingsLibrary::SetQualityLevel(int32 Level)
UGameUserSettings* pUserSettings = GEngine->GetGameUserSettings();
pUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.TextureQuality = Level;
//pUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.AntiAliasingQuality = Level;
pUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.EffectsQuality = Level;
pUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.PostProcessQuality = Level;
pUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.ShadowQuality = Level;
pUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.ViewDistanceQuality = Level;
It’s a static function declared in a class derived from the UBlueprintFunctionLibrary class. I call it using blueprints in my application.