Saving System that can save GAS and actor components

As the title suggests I am in need of a saving system that can mainly save actor and actor component variables. In my quest of researching so far I have discovered some useful things from Rama and Tom Looman, everything else is just too general using if even structs to store basic variables and aren’t very expandable.

However with Rama and Looman’s documentation I got some insight on basic binary compressing and using the SaveGame UProperty. Which seems perfect for my needs, but my issue is I’m not the best or anywhere near and I can’t fill in the blanks when it comes to expanding on their ideas.

I know this is not a problem that can be solved over a thread, so I’m just looking for pointers in the right direction or any other helpful bits of documentation that could be useful. I also know I am in way over my head so thank you for your time reading this!