saving python array to bone list in skeletal mesh lods

I’m hoping to expedite the creation of skeletal LODs by scripting the addition of bones to the “bones to remove” list, but while I can populate an array with bone filters, I can’t seem to update the LOD bone list with my array

the gist:
skm_lods = skm_lod_data.get_editor_property(“lod_groups”)
skm_lod1_bonelist = skm_lods[1].get_editor_property(“bone_list”)
new_bone = ue.BoneFilter()
skm_lods[1].set_editor_property(“bone_list”, skm_lod1_bonelist)

but upon printing skm_lods[1].get_editor_property(“bone_list”), I’m getting an empty array. Am I misunderstanding how to set array properties?

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