Saving error

After cloning my project and lunching it, every thing I modify and save have error which says:

The asset ‘/Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/ThirdPersonCharacter’ (ThirdPersonCharacter.uasset) failed to save.

Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.

Could someone help?

You have more than one copy of the editor open.


I have this issue with only one copy open, what else could the problem be?

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Something else has one of the assets open.

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I have the same issue, any solution ?

  1. Check for another copy of the editor open. (as said above)

  2. Check for zombie threads in the OS, in Windows via Task Manager - look for dead tasks related to Unreal, not under your active project - close and save again.

Note - these resources may not show on the taskbar.


Thanks a real Lot! Never would have thought that

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Thank you very much!!

Hey, I’m fairly new to Unreal Engine, and I’m encountering the same issue. I’m not sure how to resolve it even after reading through the replies. I’ve restarted UE, checked the task manager, and attempted to close any unnecessary processes. I would greatly appreciate some additional assistance. Thank you.