I am new to the software and am trying to save specific game data such as top speed of a car during an instance of the game or the starting position of the car at the beginning of the game in a table and subsequently have new tables for each time a new game is saved. I am unsure how to go about this as i looked online and could not find any examples, the examples i did see were people saving game data to be reused later which is not what i am trying to do but instead just save the information in a csv file or some other file form.
In your first sentence, it really sounds like you need the save game, which is I’m sure what you encountered when you searched.
If you want to have data available from one game to the next, then the save game is the way.
If you specifically want to export to external formats like CSV or XLS, then you either need to use a plugin, or write your own extension in C++
I will give the save Game another try but will probably end up writing something out in C++ thank you
I am trying to save the data to be viewed later it doesn’t need to be in a csv just able to be viewed after the game is finished some how. is there a way to do this without writing C++ or do i need to abandon the savegame object ?
If the player ends the game, and a widget appears with the information? Then use the save game.
If the player ends the game and you totally quit the engine, and then the data is shown in Excel, then C++