Saving a level, blueprint, or material is risky business

I cringe everytime I hit the save button. This error keeps happening:

[2014.10.16-16.26.52:597][261]Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/Maps/Warehouse" FILE="…/…/…/…/…/…/home/redneck/Documents/Unreal Projects/BlueFPS/Content/Maps/Warehouse.umap" SILENT=true AUTOSAVING=false KEEPDIRTY=false
[2014.10.16-16.26.53:585][261]LogTexture:Display: Building textures: Texture2D_3 (BGRA8)
Fatal error: [File:/work/unreal/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 91]
Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while serializing object data!
[2014.10.16-16.26.58:139][261]LogLinux:Error: appError called: Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while serializing object data!
Signal 11 caught.

Saving a material from the material editor is the most common trigger for it. But it’s also happening from the main window since I added a landscape. Is there a work-around for this?

Never seen it myself. Keep in mind that UE4 is something of an ongoing work in progress, there are bound to be bugs here and there. You may just need to upgrade/re-install or something.

Hi ,

Please report this to the answerhub at for further assistance. Thank you!

never happened to me, might be something content related