I have a saved game system that is similar to the one in Crash Bandicoot. However, instead of a warp room, each level is presented sequentially in a persistent level, giving the impression of one large continuous level. At the end of each sublevel, the player is given the opportunity to save. When the player loads a game, they are presented with a list of all of the sublevels they’ve reach so they can replay levels if they want.
The system works correctly except that when a game is loaded, the player is set back by one level. So if the player chose to load in level 5, the player is placed at the beginning of level 4. If loading in level 2, the player is placed at the beginning of the game. I would have expected an error here since as far as I know, no data is saved at the beginning of level 1, but I don’t get any errors.
I’ve tried offsetting the integer that picks the level, but it doesn’t fix the issue.
I don’t know that the problem is in either of these blueprints, but here is a part of the Game Instance.