Saved Game Data lost after uploading update

It seems that when I upload a new update on the Play Store, it resets / gets rid of all the saved game data done in the app. I use local saves, nothing fancy. Is there a way around this or what am I missing?
Note: I really only understand Blueprints (If that is the issue)


I don’t think so. It doesn’t overwrite with the save data I have on the engine. It just 0s everything out when the update is downloaded from google play.

Are you accidentally shipping a save game with the app?

Well, you can have a look in the pak file, is there a save game in there? :wink:

I can’t seem to get the pak file to unpack with the UnrealPak.exe. I tried running a cmd and just opening the pak with UnrealPak. Doesn’t seem to work.

You can get a listing with unrealpak.exe -list …

I can’t seem to get it to work. I don’t really know what I’m doing when it comes to this. The cmd prompt just says it’s not recognized and the unrealpak.exe just opens and closes before I can do any commands in the window it opens.

You have to drag and drop the path names, like this:

This is all I got, and the pak file is only 1kb. Should be bigger, eh?


How big is the pak file in windows explorer?


That might be the problem then… :slight_smile:

But what would be the problem? I have the pak file box checked off in packaging.

So, disregard the last comment, I just, rebuilt (My computer restarted since last the last build, so maybe that had something to do with it? But now the pak is 30,750kb, which is really close to the other version pak.