Saved Game arrays not functioning correctly

I am building a platformer which is similar to Crash Bandicoot, except instead of a warp room for level selection, the levels are presented one after another, giving the feeling of one giant level. A special checkpoint at the end of each level lets you view and save your progress.

The system saves the level state and the player’s progress through the Persistent Level to a Saved Game Object.

When loading a game, the player is given the option of what level they would like to continue from.

If the player chooses to load a level that is not the most recent (furthest) level that they have achieved, then reaches a previously achieved level again, the game will save the level state and progress improperly, causing the game to load at the incorrect level the next time the player tries to open a game.

The image below shows the area that I believe is causing the issue. The Level State refers to things destroyed or collected that need to be remembered. The Level Progress refers to the player’s stats and the levels that the player has reached.

@Rev0verDrive if you have time to take a look, it’s appreciated again.

This should do it.

Wow. That’s quite a solution. I’ll give that a try, thanks for your help (again).