Save uproject file

Hi Im new in Unreal Engine. I’m so struggling with saving ue5 file that I worked.
Yesterday, I changed sky light direction, color and intensity, and clicked save all and save current level in file dock.

I opened uproject file today to keep going my work. However, I realized most of lighting work that I did is missing. 3D mesh from megacan was still there, but the data in world outliner window reset for some reason. Even though I click save all and save current level button, uproject file didn’t save.

Is there any way to solve this problem?

This is really odd, to my knowledge, ctrl-s or clicking the save icon for the level should preserve world settings.
Also, if you click the X on the editor you should get a prompt showing what is not saved.

Did you enable a plugin that required an editor restart but forgot to restart the editor by any chance?

Also use git+github to save your progress so that you can be 100% sure you don’t lose anything.

Thank you so much for your reply. That’s really weird. I was trying to fix it for 4 days, dowanloading new version but I couldn’t fix it. I looked through github that you let me know, but it seems hard to understand for me. could you give me a tip for that to fix this issue, if you available?


Hey there @rkdgus2000! Welcome to the community! Generally the save icon in the top left (or the hotkey ctrl+s) saves all changes to the level you are working in at the time. Sometimes as Del mentioned you may have closed the editor while it was saving or if it was forced after a plugin download and that could cause an issue, but usually it still prompts you to save it before restart.


Are you working on the startup level or a different map?

thank you for your reply! I will try to wait for a while after clicking save all button to prevent not saving perfectly.
I’m working on the startup level. Should I work on that without startup level?
the plugin that I download is only Water plugin. does it affect to this issue?


The plugin itself shouldn’t cause any problems, but some plugins do request a restart of the editor to function correctly, just wanted you to be aware of it. There’s no issue working in the template levels (if you see most of my questions around here I use the templates to test fixes for people here). Sometimes there is a bit of an issue where the engine will start asking you to save the autosave version of the level somewhere other than itself. That could be what happened there, as I’m guilty of waiving it off without thinking about it while working quickly and realize I now have 3 saves of the same map.

I attached screen recording file. here’s what im struggling. Isn’t this really weird? or am i on wrong way? I save all and save current level as well, and then opened same project file, but it didn’t save nothing.

That is a bit odd, whenever there’s saving issues usually the console log pops up and lets you know. This time it just acted like it succeeded but didn’t? If the engine didn’t have write permissions it would error out before all this anyway so I wonder, what’s going on there.

Before I start digging into the possibilities, could you open the Output Log and then save and see if it pitches any errors or if it saves successfully like mine did here.

I checked output log, but there isn’t error. I came across that disabling Live Coding in editor preference could fix it, so I tried it but still doesn’t work. I attached my output log window.

Odd, did you make any changes when you did those test saves? It’s saying that there are no new changes to save there in the log. I ask because if it’s just not recognizing the changes that’s a totally different issue at hand.

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I did make changes by creating cone and sphere, even I turn off light, before I save the file

Immediately before each of those saves in the log right? Alright, that gives me a bit to work off of. The engine doesn’t seem to be recognizing any changes to the scene if that’s the case. I’m off for the night, but I’ll look into this and get back to you when get some more information.

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ok thank you very much! I also let you know If I solve this problem

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If the problem persists and you can’t find any fixes, and since I’m unable to find any other information about this specific bug, it may need to be reported. I couldn’t find a recent bug of the same issue. The only one I could find was one for if you have 2 versions of the same project running at once, but even that one produces an error.

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I just sent bug report. Hopefully fix it. This is really weird bug.
I really appreciate your help! have a nice day!

No problem! If you end up still working on it, I would definitely ask more questions that might give us an indicator on what could be making this occur.

Is it only that project or all of the example projects?

Have you tried UE4.27? (or any other version): just narrowing our scope to either UE, your setup, or a combination of both etc.