I have gone ahead and put some print strings to check that the array contains something, and when I do the very first save, this comes up as -1.
However if exit the game and load up the save and save again, it says 0. If I dont press escape to exit the game, I my pause menu. When I’m saving, I use the pause menu, but I only change maps when I exit via the menu, to then load up the game again, because the main menu is its own level.
The “Local Tamed Animals” Array variable is called before this save and load event, and they look like this:
If I just load into the save again a second time, The tamed animal that is supposed to spawn, is no longer there and thats when the first error message in my previous post shows up. The print string on the “Load Tamed AI Array” on the other hand says 1.
I have noticed on the other hand that clearing this variable:

Before I later set it again
Seems to be the reason that the AI disappears.
I tried to tame another animal in the save that the AI has disappeared in, and on the “Save Tamed” event, the print string to “Local Tamed Animals” Array is 0 again.
But the print string in the function “Save Tamed AI Array” Now shows 2.
Now midst the trying, I noticed the print string to “Local tamed animals” is 0 because I’m using the wrong node. Instead of “Find” I should be using “length” i believe.
Having changed that, and also gotten rid of the “clear” node, the print when saving is suddenly up to 7, although I’ve only tamed two animals.
So with the “clear” node plugged in again, when I try in a completely new save, the first time I save the print node from “Local tamed animals” length node is 1. If I exit, load the save, the animal is still there and the print string is still 1. I tried to exit again to triple check, and now the animal is gone, but the print is still 1.
I then added two print strings by the add node in the save event:
The length print is 1, while the add print is 0 (which my guess is that is because nothing new was added? I just went into the save with the disappeared animal, and saved again, nothing else.
For the loading aspect, when I load into the save, I have a print string here to check the length of the saved Array:

It prints 1 when loading the save with only one animal tamed. If I tame another animal, both arrays says that it contains 2 items when saving and when I load, the array “Save Tamed Struct” length prints 2.
I’m not sure if all this was useful, but I’m writing down everything I observed just in case! 
Now I’m not 100% sure how to print the names from the arrays, so I havent done that yet.