Save player position and camera position

Hi, how can I save player position and camera position from third person. When I’m in level 2 and want to load my save from level 1, it should start from where I saved my save.

How can I take my collected points from level 1 to level 2 and when I return from level 2 to level 1, the collected points should no longer be there.

How can this be implemented in blueprint.

Thanks in advance!

Use a save game

or, if you’re don’t mind losing information between game plays, you can just put the info in the game instance.

Unfortunately it does not work.

It all looks great apart from


The OpenLevel node throws EVERYTHING away. You have to set the player position in the level after it’s loaded.

There’s a number of ways you can do that

  1. Do it in the player

  2. In the level BP

  3. In the game instance, which runs all the time, regardless of what level is loaded.

( Valiant first attempt BTW )

I don’t know how to implement that.

Easiest is in the player.

So you need to put the code to check if there’s a save game and read your position on being play in the player.