I also set my game settings to be default. I have created blueprint callable functions that gets and sets value in settings but I always get 0.0 … Am I missing something?
Yes I have added this. But I have not expanded DefaultGameUserSettings.ini. UMyGameUserSettings.ini was not created (dunno if it should). I will double check if I put proper data in DefaultEngine.ini but I will be able to check if in 4h.
Mabe the way I tested it was not correct (both functions are BlueprintPure):
// set test function
UMyGameUserSettings * userSettings = Cast<UMyGameUserSettings >(GEngine->GetGameUserSettings());
if (userSettings)
// get test function
UMyGameUserSettings * userSettings = Cast<UMyGameUserSettings >(GEngine->GetGameUserSettings());
if (userSettings)
return userSettings->GetMasterSoundVolume();
return -1