Save input sequence in game and recreate movement

First of all, sorry for my approximate english.

For a game idea, I need to save the inputs the user make in order to restitute them later.
For example, you play a character, go left, go left and jump, then you restart the level but you have a shadow that go left, go left then jump.
Is there a way in UE to do that? I don’t find any resources about it…
If not, what would be the best way to achieve that? Keep a track of all touches and the times they were pressed? Or is there something else i’m not aware of?

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,


Don’t know if that could help, but have a look at the Replay System.

Replay System | Unreal Engine Documentation

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Oh, yes, it seems usable !
But is it possible to interact with the replay system. Something like follow and touch something created by the replay system?

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I’m afraid I can’t help you there. The Replay System is just something I stumbled upon somewhen. :nerd_face: But I’d guess yes, at least with C++?

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