Save grabbed object rotation

This is not a question mostly it’s a little guide.

Last couple days I was trying to make grabbed object with physics handle save it’s grabbed rotation and rotate relatively player. So I tried to find solution and found only unanswered questions about this issue.
I made it and I want to share it with all. It’s very and very simple solution.

So I’ve created “box collider” inside player controller and when I pick an object, box collider is copying picked object rotation on itself and then I apply rotation of box collider to handle rotation.
This video demonstrates how it works - Save grabbed object rotation - Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

And screehshots of blueprint (“Rotation Holder” = box collider):

I hope someone will find it useful.

Also I wonder is there other ways to do it without “rotation holder”?

I love you XD I’ve been trying to solve this for 4 days, Instead of a collider I’m using a child actor, but it works anyway. Also I reccoment to use Hit Component instead of Hit Actor as there might be issues with composed actors

Thank you so much for posting this. Spent most of the day trying to get this to work for me…