Save game only saves specific items

Whenever I tell the game to load a save file for a player, it loads a few things and the rest are kept default. This didn’t happen about a month ago. This has happened before so i didn’t make a forum post, but after waiting for a while nothing has changed.

This variable is set to save every time the player gets a new banner and/or changes it.
This is what it looks like with the default value

after the player buys a new one

and after restarting the game

This is the same with a ton of other variables.

When & where are you loading the save information?
During which phase of the engine startup?


  • in game mode?
  • in the player controller?
  • in the game instance?
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In the level blueprint on beginplay…

Is the second screenshot reading data from the savegame?
The issue could verify during saving too, try to insert a key/button to trigger manual saving and see if nothing changes

It’s getting the data from the player version of the variable after loading the save game in the level blueprint.
I’ll try setting a button to save manual and let you know how it goes.

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Nothing Changed…