Save Game not working correctly in Packaged build

Hey there

What i’m doing

I’m using a savegame object to save the selected character for each player(local multiplayer game), so when the selected level is loaded the players spawn with their selected characters.

The Issue:

Everything works as intended in PIE. After packaging the game the player selection prints out “none” for both players.

I read something about needing to copy the save files manually from the project to the packaged build. However, I can’t understand why this must be done or if there is some other issue i should be looking for.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance and have an awesome weekend.


Apparently the savegame files were getting overwritten or something in the packaged game because i was executing the players load game functions inside the playercontroller blueprint. I Moved the functions to execute from my gamemode blueprint and everything seems to be working fine now.

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… great help, thank you … : ) ,

very nice!!! think you!