Save game doesn't work on Android 10 but does on 9 and lower

I am requesting permission to access data and this works fine (checked in the settings - storage permission is granted when user clicks allow)

I found one user who got this to work by setting api lvl to 28 but Google now requires api 29 to upload to play store.

Since I’m on UE 4.19 I had to use provided NDK and SDK. Since this is nkd-r12 i couldn’t compile for api 29. So I downloaded ndk-r20 and added api levels 25-29 to sdk. This enabled me to build and upload to Play Store but I guess there are some protocols or code missing. My ant is 1.8.2 and java is 1.8.0_77

Did anyone have this problem?


having same problem, tried with ExternalFilesDir checked … still can’t save, im at that point where im considering to just add a CHEAT button that just unlocks all the levels and be done with mobile games forever

Are you setting in your project settings the android permission for allowing storage? I forget the exact name of it. I was having trouble with my game on android until I added it to the project settings AND did a dynamic check using blueprint nodes. Also may need external storage permission, IDK.

Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t put that info in this question but yes. I am requesting permissions for storage and although I had problems with this I managed to resolve them. There is a chance something in my solution is making the problem so here is the tread where I explain how I made my storage permission thing work:

iam having problem in saving game to android 11…anyone with solution???

brother you managed to save game in android 11?? Iam stuck here

If you somehow managed to save game in android 11 kindly guide me brother… Iam stuck

You saving game successfully in android 11??? iam having issues

Unfortunately I didn’t have more time on the project to explore this issue. I left the game as it was with a note that save game doesn’t work :confused:

I would guess this problem could be easily solved by a few lines of code but I never found an example and I’m not good with C++ to solve it quickly myself (plus it would need to be tested on mobile). Doing save-games with Python would be easy (granted it works on mobile) so I don’t see why it should be complicated in C++ but as I said I just didn’t have enough time to develop and test it or search for the solution.

To conclude since I didn’t see this question pop up on the hub I am confused… After granting permissions it should just work… It’s still a mystery for me and I wish someone knowledgeable could answer it.

Best of luck on your endeavor.

Android 11 does not support any way to save files on runtime internally/externally for Unreal Packages unless there is an update by Epic tweaking the Permissions. Thats what I can confirm today.