Save file broken after updating Engine Version

Hey guys!

We are currently saving our game as a binary file locally. But whenever we update the Engine version for our project the save file breaks.

Any idea why it might break?

FYI: we are using the save extension plugin for saving & loading.

Hey @Alex_Welevel
I saw that the plugin you’re using was initially created for UE4 as well - have you updated your source code for the plugin, and re-initialized it in Unreal? Or are you trying to use the same system? I think the plugin has been updated for 5.1, so that might need to be your first step.
Let me know if this works, and if you have more trouble!


I wasn’t aware the plugin was available for UE5. :slight_smile:

So far we have been updating the source code ourselves since we went to UE5.

The saving and loading is working already. The only problem is when we update the Engine version, then the save files break.

Maybe there’s a fix in the update where you could just download the specific files that might be updated?
I hope this can help,
-Zen :vulcan_salute: