Could we have an option to save a custom Filmback for future use? My team finds themselves having to set aperture settings frequently and this would help alleviate that extra step.
The basic ones are stored in BaseEngine.ini. You should be able to add additional ones specific to your project in DefaultEngine.ini.
Something like:
+FilmbackPresets=(Name=“16:9 Film”,FilmbackSettings=(SensorWidth=24.892,SensorHeight=14.002))
That worked! Thank you very much!
Doing this didn’t work for me.
in unreal 5.
Note that selecting costume film back in engine also does nothing.
Any help is greatly appreciated
I just tried in UE5 and it did work for me. This worked:
However, when I initially copy/pasted the text from here into my DefaultEngine.ini, something funky happened with the name and it came up blank in the editor. Just make sure the name is in proper quotes.
+FilmbackPresets=(Name="Film My Test",FilmbackSettings=(SensorWidth=32.67075,SensorHeight=14.002))
They changed the name of the component, if you want to make it work use this :