Save Bool from one UI widget and read it from another ui widget

Hi, at the moment I have a main menu and the option page. In the option page I want the player to be able to toggle a checkbox which activate a different font. I tried to set the bool inside the option widget but it didin’t work, then I tried to put it inside the player blueprint and the game mode but I cannot find a way to make the main menu read the value of the bool and change the font. I attached a couple of images to better explain my problem

Hi man,
if you have variables that you want to share between widget/ actors / even levels,
you can place them in the gameinstance , that is easy to reach from everywhere and will keep the value safe
here a cool simple video

[quote=“Est_engine, post:2, topic:153427”]

Hi man,
if you have variables that you want to share between widget/ actors / even levels,
you can place them in the gameinstance , that is easy to reach from everywhere and will keep the value safe
here a cool simple video[/QUOTE]

Hey, the video helped me a lot, thanks a lot!

Thanks that man over there, he made so many cool videos XD he helped us all !